Individual Counseling

Courageous Way Counseling now provides in person therapy to those in the local Forest Lake, MN area. If you prefer a traditional therapy setting, schedule with Jacob an in person session.

Telehealth therapy and life coaching services with secure and confidential virtual platforms are also still available so individuals can access the support they need from the comfort and convenience of their own homes. A simple phone or video call can be utilized for this service.

Whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening sessions, Jacob strives to accommodate your needs.

Faith Based Counseling
Men's counseling
Online Counseling



1 session-$150

3 prepaid sessions-$375

5 prepaid sessions-$500

Payment Options: ACH, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex.

Insurance: United Healthcare, Medica, UMR, Surest Health Plan, All Savers, Oscar, Optum Behavioral Health, Optum EAP

Sliding scale available: Apply if you may be eligible